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Northern Australia Rice - Developing High Quality Rice for Northern Australia

"This project aims to develop and establish a rice industry in Northern Australia that can target new markets, provide geographic diversity to protect again adverse climate events in Southern Australia, and to diversify the Australian rice program. It does this through: (i) Varietal breeding and selection leading to the identification of grain characteristics to maximise market returns from northern grown rice; and (ii) Postharvest handling proceedures that maximise grower returns through handling that is cost effective and ensures grain quality.The priorities of this project are:
  1.  Determine the parameters of quality that define the different types of rice.
  2. Conduct quality evaluation of rice grown in the North.
  3. Ensure that the three laboratories measuring quality are repeatable and reproducible.
  4. Develop a prediction model for head rice yield.
  5. Develop and deliver selection tools for important components of the grain."

Project date

15 Dec 2017-31 May 2020
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Principal investigator

Melissa Fitzgerald

Project funded by

Multiple industries
Alternative protein Aquaculture Cereal grains Cross industry Essential oils Fruits Game Honey bees Nuts Other rural industries Pasture, fodder & feed Poultry Pulse grains

AgriFutures Australia

AgriFutures Australia proudly focuses on building a rich future for Australian agriculture. We live and work in the regions and …
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