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Understanding of spatial extent, infection window and potential alternative hosts for the oyster disease QX in Port Stephens

The project on understanding the spatial extent, infection window, and potential alternative hosts for the oyster disease QX in Port Stephens provides several benefits. Firstly, it allows for effective management of QX disease in Sydney Rock Oysters (SRO) by defining the infection window and spatial distribution of the disease. This information is crucial for implementing targeted measures and deploying selectively bred QX resistant oysters to maximize their survival and minimize stock losses. Additionally, identifying the intermediate hosts of the parasite Marteilia sydneyi expands our knowledge of the disease's transmission and aids in its management. The project's findings enable oyster farmers to make informed decisions about sourcing and deploying stocks, ensuring the long-term sustainability of oyster farming in Port Stephens. Furthermore, the development of a longitudinal sampling program provides a template for ongoing monitoring and addresses industry concerns related to QX disease.

Project date

26 May 2022-30 Aug 2022
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Principal investigator

Cheryl Jenkins

Research organisations

New South Wales Department of Planning and Environment (NSW DPIE)

Project funded by

Multiple industries
Aquaculture Wild catch fisheries

Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC)

The Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) is a co-funded partnership between its two stakeholders, the Australian Government and the …
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