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Review of domestic commercial vessel safety legislation

The review of domestic commercial vessel safety legislation brings several benefits to the Australian seafood industry. Firstly, it allows for a nationally coordinated response by engaging a range of seafood industry representatives in providing input and feedback on the AMSA legislation review. This collective submission ensures that the views and concerns of the seafood industry are properly represented and considered in the legislative review process. Additionally, the review helps identify industry-specific issues related to the application and content of the legislation, allowing for targeted recommendations and improvements. The collation of industry consultation and the subsequent interpretation of the review's findings provide valuable insights and advice to the industry, helping them understand the implications and navigate the regulatory landscape effectively. Overall, the review supports the industry in promoting safety and compliance while ensuring a well-informed and unified industry response to the AMSA legislation review.

Project date

29 Apr 2022-19 Aug 2022
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Principal investigator

Neil MacDonald

Research organisation

NMAC (SA) Pty Ltd

Project funded by

Multiple industries
Aquaculture Wild catch fisheries

Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC)

The Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) is a co-funded partnership between its two stakeholders, the Australian Government and the …
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