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Pipi hatchery production techniques and optimal restocking strategies

The project aims to develop pipi hatchery production techniques and optimal restocking strategies, benefiting both the shellfish industry and recreational fishing sectors. By understanding and improving the production protocols for pipi larvae, the project will enable the cost-effective production of large quantities of competent to settle larvae and spat. This will provide industry stakeholders with greater certainty of catch and the potential for fishery growth, reducing the variability in catch and improving economic security for pipi fishers. Additionally, the project will assess the ecological impacts of wild harvest and develop a beach seeding protocol that incorporates ecological understanding and efficacy auditing methods. By reviewing fishery and biosecurity regulations, the project will facilitate the sustainable implementation of large-scale pipi seeding. Ultimately, the project will provide a comprehensive hatchery and seeding protocol that can be adopted by the industry, ensuring the long-term sustainability and productivity of pipi stocks.

Project date

30 Jun 2022-30 Jul 2025
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Principal investigator

Symon Dworjanyn

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Project funded by

Multiple industries
Aquaculture Wild catch fisheries

Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC)

The Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) is a co-funded partnership between its two stakeholders, the Australian Government and the …
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    Research funding body

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