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Aquatic animal welfare – a review of guidance documents and legislation

Respective Australian States and Territories have developed animal welfare legislation and guidelines that either specifically address aquatic animal welfare considerations and/or include aquatic animals (fish, crustaceans) under the definition of “animal” in the legislation. This changing landscape has implications for “in-field” practices (eg methods used to kill aquatic animals) and other practices (eg transportation of live aquatic animals).

It is important that the commercial wild capture, aquaculture and recreational fishing sectors understand the implications of this legislation and accompanying guidelines.

This project will document and analyse the legislative framework as it applies to aquatic animal welfare in each State and Territory of Australia. The project will identify key areas of concern for commercial wild capture, aquaculture and recreational sectors which will be used to assist in developing priority case studies.

Specifically this project will:

  1. undertake a stocktake of Australia's current aquatic animal welfare policies, programs, and procedures
  2. develop case studies to assess the suitability and practicality of all Codes of Practice, Standards or other relevant guidance documents to align with industry practice and the legislative animal welfare requirements in the commercial wild capture, aquaculture and recreational fishery sectors.
  3. Recommend improvements to industry practice for improved outcomes for aquatic animal welfare in the commercial wild capture, aquaculture and recreational fishery sectors in Australia.

Project date

14 Jan 2021-29 Jun 2022
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Principal investigator

Paul Hardy-Smith

Project funded by

Multiple industries
Aquaculture Wild catch fisheries

Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC)

The Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) is a co-funded partnership between its two stakeholders, the Australian Government and the …
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    Research funding body

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