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Analysis of historical sea urchin research for improved management of nearshore fisheries in NSW

The analysis of historical sea urchin research for improved management of nearshore fisheries in NSW project aims to provide valuable insights and information to support the management of nearshore reefs and fisheries. By analyzing historical unpublished data on the ecology of Centrostephanus (sea urchin) and its interactions with the marine environment, the project enhances our understanding of the dynamics of sea urchins and their impact on nearshore biota, particularly abalone fisheries. The research findings, along with oral histories of fishers, contribute to a scientifically informed understanding of the underlying ecology of reefs. This shared understanding promotes the design of a spatial management regime that aligns with multiple management and cultural objectives. The project disseminates its findings through scientific publications and an accessible synthesis report, ensuring that key stakeholders from NSW, Victoria, and Tasmania are informed and can actively participate in the management of nearshore reefs.

Project date

31 May 2022-31 Mar 2023
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Principal investigator

Neil Andrew

Research organisations

University of Wollongong (UOW)

Project funded by

Multiple industries
Aquaculture Wild catch fisheries

Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC)

The Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) is a co-funded partnership between its two stakeholders, the Australian Government and the …
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