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Developing Appropriate Stunning Methods for Halal Slaughter of Water Buffalo

This project aims to develop recommendations and guidelines for the effective stunning in Halal and non Halal produced Buffalo to cover SE Asian markets. A review of literature on stunning of buffalo found very little information on optimal methods for the Halal market although percussive stunning at the poll position, and electrical head-only stunning appear to be the two most likely methods. Mechanical stunning is a proven technology in cattle, widely used globally and relatively cheap in terms of setup and running costs. Non-penetrating (percussive) stunning is accepted by a number of Halal markets. High power percussive stunning in the poll position is a potential option for Halal production of buffalo, but optimization of head restraint and positioning, and understanding of the ideal placement is required. Electrical stunning is a proven technology in other livestock and widely used where electrical power is readily available. However, installation is likely to be more expensive than mechanical stunning, and running costs are related to the cost of electrical power. Head only electrical stunning is fully recoverable, and acceptable to many Halal markets. No recommendations of current requirements are available for buffalo; and there is some question of duration of stun in cattle that will need to be investigated in buffalo.

Project date

31 May 2014-29 Nov 2019
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Principal investigator

Alison Small

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Alternative protein Aquaculture Cereal grains Cross industry Essential oils Fruits Game Honey bees Nuts Other rural industries Pasture, fodder & feed Poultry Pulse grains

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